B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies is a business school located in Gujarat, India. It was established in 1976 as the Business School of Gujarat University to meet the regional demand for professional managers. Thirty students were admitted to the school’s two-year, full-time MBA programme at first. The number of students admitted has increased over time, and it currently stands at 120.
The school offers a Master of Business Administration (MBA) course, which is a two-year full-time program. The eligibility criteria for the course are graduation with at least 50% (SC/ST 45%) and a valid score in the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) conducted by AICTE New Delhi for MBA.
The B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies provides postgraduate diploma courses. Besides, it also offers specialized courses on Marketing, Port Management, Human Resource, Finance, and Advertisement. The School conducts CMAT to assess the eligibility of students, which is based on verbal, quantitative and analytical skills.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) provides funding to the school, which operates an Industry Institute Partnership unit under its direction. In 2006, the school launched a Post Graduate Diploma in Port Management Programme. Fourteen students were accepted into the redesigned MBA programme in Maritime Management. The school also conducts a Ph.D. program in Management, and currently, there are 22 registered students who are pursuing research.